Forwarding Features
Some of the many and varied features of DataFreight forwarding are outlined below.

Job references can optionally be allocated from a range of reference pools dependent upon job type. It is also possible to include optional prefixes and suffixes which can be configured for all supported job types. Unused references, if a job is cancelled for example, are placed into the recycle pool.

Jobs can optionally be allocated to services that you create yourself. You can specify weight / cube ratios on a per service basis for chargeable weight calculation as well as use services to categorise your jobs in any way you choose and produce management reports filtered by them.

DataFreight incorporates a fully featured end user report designer which allows us to tailor your operational documents to your precise requirements without resorting to valuable and costly programming resources. Document production menus are built dynamically to reflect the documents and reports that have been designed for you.

Create e-mails with or without attachments from within DataFreight as well as automated e-mailing of operational documentation. Store inbound e-mails complete with attachments and associate them with your jobs for full audit analysis and/or subsequent retrieval.

Store job related documents in the database and associate them with your jobs. These can be documents produced by DataFreight or documents that you have scanned into your system. It also includes e-mails and their attachments too. In most cases and where appropriate the capture and storage of CHIEF reports against jobs can be automated as well.

Unlike some solutions, DataFreight offers a completely integrated environment in a single UNIFIED application in order to maximise productivity and business processes.

Optionally publish stored documents, e-mails, their attachments and other files to the Internet which allows your users to have access to them via DFRWeb, our established and uniquely powerful web tracking software.

Multiple movements on a job ? No problem. DataFreight supports the concept of transport transactions which implements this functionality. Fully customisable documentation extends to this level too.

Road / Sea / Air / Rail – DataFreight does it.

Consolidate air cargo by loading HAWB’s to MAWB’s which causes jobs to be automatically consolidated in the background. Consolidate surface freight cargo jobs directly for manifest production, loading lists and subsequent apportionment of consolidation costs by your own specified criteria.

Maintain your stocks of pre-allocated AWB numbers. Set warning thresholds when stocks are low and automatically allocate AWB numbers when creating MAWB’s.